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    Hanacka Vodka

    The basis of Pure Spirit Hanacka Vodka Silver is crystal clear water from deep wells in the Moravia region and a variety of wheat that has ripened under the sun in fertile fields, giving the vodka its delicious fine taste. The oldest Slavic vodka has been made in the town of Prostejov for centuries – since 1518. The first known distiller was Mates of Prostejov, the founding father of the craft in the town, he used a simple method by measuring alcohol percentage contents with a silver Prague groschen coin in a hydrometer. The vodka was made according to a strict standard of honest craftsmanship to achieve the optimal alcohol content of 40.13%. The remarkably pure drink was referred to as “vodička” (little water), later shortened to vodka. That’s why Hanacka Vodka is the oldest vodka in the world.

    Coming from a long line of Moravian spirit distillers dating back to 1518, our master distiller and his predecessors spent years perfecting the centuries-old vodka recipes, overseeing every step of the 5-step distillation process to ensure the quality and taste of today’s original Hanacka Vodka Silver. This careful process improves the texture and flavor of the vodka, elevating it to the next degree of purity.

    Order for your Hanacka Vodka at myliquorhub.com and have it delivered to your doors step.

    From: 6,500.00

    Hanacka Vodka

    From: 6,500.00
  • Laplandia Lingonberry Vodka

    This is the first vodka in the world that is made using wild natural berries, and each litre contains as much as 258g of lingonberries! Lingonberry is one of the essential nordic berries and has a slightly sweet initial taste, followed by a mild bitter kick, resembling a cranberry.

    The result of a partnership between a diamond jeweller and an ex Roadie, Laplandia is produced by the Shaman Distillery which lies in a remote area on the Lapland border. The ancient Lake Hirsijavi provides the distillery with its water and is thought to have existed since the Ice Age. The vodka comes from hand grown wheat and is 7 times distilled in column stills.

    Order for your Laplanda Lingonberry Vodka at myliquorhub.com and have it delivered to your doors step.

    From: 14,900.00

    Laplandia Lingonberry Vodka

    From: 14,900.00

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