• Chamdor Sparkling White Grape Wine-75cl

    Produced in South Africa, Chamdor Sparkling White Grape is an alcohol-free sparkling grape juice made from the Chenin Blanc and Muscat varieties from the vineyards in the Robertson wine district. Only high-quality grapes are used for the grape juice and only grapes with a high sugar concentration and relatively low acidity are selected. The grapes’ high sugar concentration and low acidity makes the drink smooth, sweet and sensational, and a perfect celebration wine for all.

    From: 5,700.00
  • Chidel Fruit Grape Wine-75cl

    Chidel is a non alcoholic drink, made from fruit grapes. It is best serve while chilled.

    Type: Soft Drinks
    Sub-Type: Sparkling water

    Alc content: 0%

    Size: 75cl


    From: 2,700.00
  • Casa Dorada Non Alcoholic Wine-75cl

    Casa Dorada is made from the highest quality grapes to give you the sweet wine flavors without the alcohol. It is smooth, sweet, and sensational also a refreshing drink that can be served on all types of occasions.

    From: 1,900.00

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