• Pravda Vodka – 70cl

    Pravda is a handmade premium vodka from southern Poland, where it is distilled using late harvest ‘sweet’ rye and very pure springwater from the nearby Carpathian mountains. Perhaps uniquely, after a five-stage column distillation, Pravda is then redistilled in a copper still to impart a smoother quality to the spirit.
    Buy this gift set and get two customised vodka shot glass.

    Pravda Vodka – 70cl

  • Pravda Vodka – 70cl (6 Bottles)

    Pravda is a handmade premium vodka from southern Poland, where it is distilled using late harvest ‘sweet’ rye and very pure springwater from the nearby Carpathian mountains. Perhaps uniquely, after a five-stage column distillation, Pravda is then redistilled in a copper still to impart a smoother quality to the spirit.
    Buy this gift set and get two customised vodka shot glass.

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