• Laplandia Bilberry Vodka

    Bilberry has a very mildly tart taste which is essentially overpowered by its sweetness. This is the only vodka in the world made using real wild bilberries, and each liter contains an outstanding equivalent of 570g of bilberry.

    Order for your Laplanda Bilberry Vodka at myliquorhub.com and have it delivered to your doors step.

    From: 14,900.00

    Laplandia Bilberry Vodka

    From: 14,900.00
  • Out Of Stock

    Sobieski Vodka

    This wonderful and pure vodka is ingeniously crafted from the famous Golden Dankowski Rye, harvested directly from the rich Mazowse fields in beautiful Poland. Using free water collected directly from Oligocene springs, rye grains are subjected to four distillation cycles, thus creating a true and smooth pure spirit. Five centuries of experience and the latest technology in the hands of skilled craftsmen combine to give life to this truly raw expression. Named after King John III Sobieski, the lion of Poland, Sobieski Vodka 1L is true to its name, elegant and stately as a fit king.

    Order for your Sobieski Vodka at myliquorhub.com and have it delivered to your doors step.

    From: 3,550.00

    Sobieski Vodka

    From: 3,550.00

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