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    Ciu Ciu Gotigo Red-75cl

    This deep ruby red wine with purple shades, is good to be drunk after its third year of ageing. The ageing gives it vivacity, emphasizing amber shades and a velvety smoothness. Its vines are 70% Montepulciano and 30% Sangiovesethat are grown on the hill of Ascoli Piceno territory at 300m ASL. The wine was aged in large oak barrels for 18 months. Its scent is fruity with flower perfume, vanilla, spicyness and its taste is smooth and full bodied.

    From: 19,166.00

    Ciu Ciu Gotigo Red-75cl

    From: 19,166.00
  • Ciu Ciu Piceno Bachus 2020-75cl

    Ciu Ciu Piceno Bachus 2020: In a nutshell is a generous, juicy and organic red from Le Marche in Central Italy.

    From: 14,166.00

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